

2025 promises to be a year of new challenges for Polygon. Here’s a look at some of the projects we’ll be working on over the coming months. New initiatives, ambitious collaborations, and innovative tools are all in sight.

Going Green: Toward Environmentally Friendly Practices

Recognizing today’s environmental challenges, Polygon is developing and implementing an environmental policy that responsibly reduces our digital carbon footprint (including our tools and website).

We’re also conducting an internal review to align our communications strategy with our environmental policy, as social media is a significant contributor to digital pollution. Our goal is to strike a balance: Stay connected to our customers by creating tailored content that meets their needs, while also adopting an environmentally responsible digital strategy.

What about our tools?

Our products are constantly evolving, largely thanks to our fruitful collaborations with a wide range of research teams. Their insights help us develop solutions that integrate seamlessly with their research projects.

For example, our Concept Mapping tool (CM*) is about to launch with a new analysis platform. Once user testing is complete, this enhanced tool will give research teams full autonomy in interpreting their data.

In addition, the latest version of our Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA*) tool will be released in the coming weeks.

Our administration console will also be updated with new features tailored to the needs of researchers. Finally, improvements are underway for our Delphi tool (DLP*), first used last November.

Upcoming projects

The Bordeaux School of Public Health, Epidemiology and Development (ISPED) will soon be using our CM* concept mapping tool to explore factors increasing suicide risk among LGBTQ+ populations.

In addition, a team from the University of Saskatchewan will conduct a concept mapping exercise aimed at improving immunization services and programs in Saskatchewan. They will be consulting with parents, healthcare professionals, administrators, and members of community organizations.

Also, look for updates on Transform, a project led by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and a joint podcast with Fred Savard on knowledge mobilization.

Polygon and design: Between research and creation

This year, we would like to highlight the graphic design work we do for our clients’ projects. It’s an aspect we’ve rarely discussed, and we’re excited to showcase the different visual identities we’ve developed.

Beyond this creative work, we are also engaged in researching and reflecting on design. We’re collaborating with two Italian researchers on a literature review on typography and readability (previously mentioned here). The results of this study will be used to develop a tool to help designers easily access knowledge on the subject.

We’re also working on a project focused on evaluating the impact of a high-quality visual identity on participant recruitment and attrition, a major challenge faced by many studies.

Book an appointment with us to discover our full range of tools and support solutions.

Research Infrastructures

Population Research Tools
Systems Research Tools
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